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24 abril 2007

If you are not here, where are you, man?

I practically haven't updated the blog in the past week because I'm too busy doing another things. For example:

1. Playing "Pokémon: Fire Red". I already have 3 badges and I'm training to get the 4th one.
2. Studying (yes, it's true!).
3. Reading a lot of good books. For example, "The Controversy" (Carrière) and "The Spirit of the Laws" (Montesquieu). I bought these books 1 year ago, but I took a lot of time to want to start reading them. Oh, and I'm also reading again one of my favourite books, the Bible of anarcho-capitalism: "The Civil Disobedience".
4. Talking with myself about Philosophy.

Maybe I'll write a 'true' post in the next two days. Wait and you'll see.





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